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Our Mission.

• Honoring Theatre’s Past

• Creating for Theatre’s Present

• Capturing Theatre’s Future

• Honoring Theatre’s Past • Creating for Theatre’s Present • Capturing Theatre’s Future

Radiant beacons, the ghost lights illuminate the realm of Ghost Light Theatre Company. We stand dedicated to the homage of bygone theatrical treasures, the artistry of the present moment, and the enchanting tapestry that shall embrace the theatres of tomorrow.

Ghost Light

Established in 2022, our mission is to weave narratives that pay homage to the rich tapestry of theatrical history, revel in the vibrant present, and propel exhilarating creations into the uncharted territories of the future.

At the helm of this creative endeavor is our visionary Artistic Director, Keeley Heagerty. Driven by a fervent desire to craft art that resonates, Keeley has passionately curated a collective of collaborators who share her ardor. Recognizing that the realm of theater thrives on collective efforts, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to every individual whose unwavering support has been instrumental in our journey.

Theatre, much like life itself, thrives within a harmonious symphony of diverse voices and talents. With gratitude as our compass and innovation as our guiding star, we forge ahead, united by our shared love for the stage and the boundless possibilities it holds.